
The story of Julie Love-Templeton, a part-time reality contestant, former beauty queen and full-time trial attorney, wife and mother.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have found the perfect nail polish!

To my sisters and a few of my brothers in fashion:
     I have spent large amounts of time (and funds) purchasing nail polish I felt sure would be both hip and flattering to my gigantic, knuckle dragging, man hands with no success until today! I present, Revlon Shade 705 in "Gray Suede" which can be purchased for under $4.00 at any Wal-Mart.

1 comment:

  1. Julie! That color looks so pretty on your sweet little hand! I'm going to try this color out and see if it can make my hands look as pretty as yours. You are really such a sweetie pie to share this with us. I'll be waiting for more of your entertaining blogs...keep up the good work!
