
The story of Julie Love-Templeton, a part-time reality contestant, former beauty queen and full-time trial attorney, wife and mother.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Isagenix Week One

Do I really want to be healthy?

             I looked at that first IsaLean Creamy French Vanilla Shake with dread. I suppose the memories, and the after taste, of Slim Fast, Evolve, Boost, MetRX and other failed eating plans was still too fresh. Imagine my surprise when upon that first sip I discovered that the Isagenix shake actually tasted like vanilla and really had the consistency of a shake. Another positive, it didn’t have an after taste that I would later try to scrape from my tongue with the letter opener on my desk at work. I actually enjoyed the shake! I likewise enjoyed the shake that followed at lunch and the two shakes a day since then.  
             At the outset I was also concerned with keeping my already low blood sugar regulated. I normally graze all day, although I recently discovered that my snacking options had almost no nutritional value. Nonetheless, I worried that one little vanilla shake would never hold me until lunch.  Again, I was surprised to find that I made it to lunch without once digging through the drawers in my desk for a lost or forgotten half eaten, stale pack of crackers. I have looked forward to my breakfast and lunch shakes each day. At $3 a piece as my waistline has decreased my budget has fattened up on the lunch savings alone!
             Dinner has ranged between 400 to 600 calories. My coach sent me several links to some great recipes. Many of those are Crockpot recipes so I toss the ingredients in on my way to work and by 5:00 PM am ready to eat.
             If I failed in any way during week one it was in the supplement arena. I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of bottles I pulled from my Isagenix box. Not helping the situation- they all have similar names. Isagenix included a card that explained what you should take and when. My problem was the card also contains suggestions for other supplements (sold separately) that you could include. They were clearly marked with asterisks and other codes but for me, a woman with ZERO attention span, it made following along tough. So I made my own handwritten list and by day four had it down.
             Today is my “cleanse” day. No shakes, no meals, just different Isagenix products mixed with water. I put this day off as long as I could out of fear for my blood sugar and of course my general love of stuffing food into my mouth. I procrastinated until Friday had to be my cleanse day. More poor planning, I thought, because Friday at 5:30 AM is also one of my Tuscaloosa Adventure Bootcamp sessions. I’m happy to report that I survived…a fitness test no less and not once felt light headed. Perhaps I’m still running on all those shakes. J

             So here I am, one week in, 3 pounds lighter and with a noticeable increase in my energy levels. If this is week one I’m excited to see what week four will hold and, yes, I guess I really do want to be healthy. I’ll keep you posted!

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