
The story of Julie Love-Templeton, a part-time reality contestant, former beauty queen and full-time trial attorney, wife and mother.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

False Hope For Safety Girl

What did you say?
This morning, my husband, Captain America and our son The Boy Wonder, were discussing an upcoming Boy Scout camping trip. Each campout focuses on a specific merit badge while the boys enjoy the great outdoors. This weekend’s merit badge adventure requires that the boys be hauled a mile from camp and dropped off at an undisclosed location to find their way back.
During their discussion, I thought to myself that, as the youngest of ten every trip to Wal-Mart was a test of your ability to find your way home. My Mother was famous for loading the big blue van and leaving a location with what she thought was the correct number of children only to discover later that she was missing someone-or a couple of some ones. I was left at birthday parties, away football games and even Disney World. I thought, “a mile from your destination, hah, I could do that blindfolded. No one ever gave me a Hansel and Gretel merit badge.”
            Then I heard the most beautiful statement come from my child’s mouth: “I don’t know, the whole thing sounds kinda dangerous to me.”
The Hallelujah Chorus played quietly in my head and I could not contain the smile that spread across my face. “Is it too late to change his name from The Boy Wonder to Safety Boy?” I pondered.
“But I’ll still go,” he said, almost as an afterthought.
            He will still go, and I, as his Mother and Safety Girl, will prepare a list of four thousand things of which to be wary while walking alone in the woods. I guess I should go ahead and get started. 

1 comment:

  1. i was always jealous of my brother when it was Boy Scout Camp time. i have a horrible sense of direction and blame it on the simple fact i was never dumped a mile out in the woods and expected to find my way back to the camp. logan will do just fine. and it will serve him well much later in life!
    love the blog!! jenny w.
