
The story of Julie Love-Templeton, a part-time reality contestant, former beauty queen and full-time trial attorney, wife and mother.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Just My Opinion

November 9, 2016

All morning I have had this horrible and hopeless feeling that I can’t seem to shake. I have accepted that Roe v. Wade will very soon be a memory and that an America full of women did this to themselves. And while it might not be the popular line of thinking, any lawyer worth their salt always looks to cause and effect. What has yesterday’s choice opened the door for in the future?

For example, do we females still need to vote? After all, we have daddies and husbands and brothers that could easily make those decisions for us. We sure don’t need careers right? I mean other then birthing babies and cooking dinner. Heck, we can finally get out of jury duty too you know that right didn’t come about until the 1960s. (My mom seated Talladega County’s first female juror.) And logically, since our bodies are no longer our own I guess we can go back to being classified as chattel and let our daddies trade us off for cows and goats.

Laugh if you want at my doom and gloom, or just consider them the ranting of a female attorney who as an advocate for women’s rights has now found her job on the endangered species list. I guess I’ll go home now and take a nap…after all I don’t have any work to do at this point. But before I drift off I’ll put a pot roast in the oven and I’ll say my prayers. I’ll pray to my God, whom I hope isn’t the one getting credit for the great state of our country today, the following:

That you don’t have a son old enough to be sent to war when your “Commander in Chief” gets his feeling hurt because some other country’s leader disagrees with him;

That you don’t have a daughter that is the victim of a rape and finds she is pregnant with a daily reminder of the trauma she suffered;

That you have a strong sense of self-worth that enables you to withstand the misogynistic treatment you have now not only condoned but have ratified as acceptable;

That you are rich enough to avoid feeling the squeeze that those of us in the middle class endure as the rich continue to get richer;

That you remember today, and for the next four years, that God might have spoken and you might be getting what you prayed for…but that’s not always a good thing.

God Bless America.