
The story of Julie Love-Templeton, a part-time reality contestant, former beauty queen and full-time trial attorney, wife and mother.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Every Woman for Herself

     Planet Fitness (destroyed April 27, 2011) has announced YET ANOTHER delay in it's grand re-opening. At this point I have gone from a body that is a little soft here and there to a body that actually resembles the shape of a Hostess Twinkie.
     Yesterday, as I flipped through my April edition of Glamour Magazine, not while trudging away on my now dusty treadmill mind you, I noticed that Harley Pasternak, fitness trainer to the stars, had posted Lady Ga Ga's workout.
     Predicting results in only ONE month, the cynical lawyer in me MUST prove him wrong. And so, my 4 faithful readers, I started the Ga Ga Challenge yesterday (because yes Sunday is the first day of the week) and plan to update my progress here. You gluttons for punishment feel free to work out along with me. However, if like me, walking to the sofa each evening tires you, please check with your physician first. I can't afford to lose any of the 4 people that follow me. :)

The first week:
1. Start with 5 minutes of cardio like jogging or jumping jacks. Then, without resting....
2. Do 30 reps of a lower-body strength move like squats or lunges.
3. 30 reps of an upper-body strength move like push-ups, biceps curls, or shoulder presses.
4. And 30 reps of ab move like crunches (still no rest!)
5. The do a 15-second cardio burst of "phantom" jump rope.

Repeat steps 2-5 two more times (for 3 total sets), swapping in a different upper-and lower-body move and abs exercise for each step. Finish with another 5 minutes of cardio.